Sunday, May 16, 2010

Trip Time!

The good weather is upon us and with it time to take trips. Whether you're heading out for the day or longer, don't forget to stop by your library before you go. Audio books are a great way to make your car or train ride a bit smoother.

My Recommendation: Rabbit Ears Collection There are several volumes in the exceptional series, with famous voices (think Angelica Houston and Nicholas Cage) telling classic children's tales, like Paul Bunyan and Peter Rabbit. I first heard these on public radio a few years ago and fell in love.

Also, for grownups, there is a great honor book collection of paperbacks upstairs. Just pick out a couple and write down how many you take on the clipboard next to the books. These are donated copies that you don't need to use your library card to check out (great for taking to the beach or on an airplane).

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