Saturday, May 8, 2010

Griff Carver, Hallway Patrol

Middle school halls can be a dangerous place. Litter droppers, rubber band snappers, tween politicians, hallway skaters, fake hall pass carriers, the list goes on and on. I'm not sure that's an environment I want to subject myself to, that's for sure. Except for at Rampart Middle School. Those halls are safe. We needn't fear anything, because Griff Carver, HP First Class is on the job, right? Not to mention Tommy Rodriguez, HP Second Class, a decorated Camp Scout with mad martial arts skills or Verity King, editor of the school newspaper and Junior Journalist of the Year. How can a school not be safe with three such bright stars in its midst? Well, there is Marcus Volger, class presidential candidate and possible kingpin of the underworld at Rampart Middle. And Principal Sprangue, who has got his eye on Carver. Maybe things aren't as safe as they seem. If you want a behind-the-scenes peek into the inner workings of your every day middle school, Griff Carver, Hallway Patrol, by Jim Krieg is the book for you.

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