Monday, January 26, 2015

It's OK to Make Mistakes

It's OK to make mistakes.  We're all human.  But sometimes it's hard to accept that you made a mistake and learn from it.  So if your youngster is having a hard time accepting mistakes, how about a little bit of biliotheraphy and trying out some of these books listed below.  They'll provide easy ways to learn from mistakes and help the reader become a better person!

Beautiful Oops!  by Barney Saltzberg
There are many ways that a torn, crinkled, and smudged bits of paper can be transformed into various shapes and images, and can evolve into something beautiful!

The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes by Mark Pett
Beatrice is so well-known for never making a mistake that she is greeted each morning by fans and reporters.  But a near-error on the day of the school talent show could change everything.

It's OK to Make Mistakes by Todd Parr
Here a series of situations are presented in such a way that taking chances and trying new things can lead to good results, even if there are mistakes along the way. 

Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes by James Dean
As he walks down the street, Pete the cat sings about his brand new shoes as they transform from being a bright clean white to dirty, wet, and not-so new.

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