Thursday, May 7, 2009

Word Games

Hearing sounds is in important step in learning how to read. In fact, the better a child is at noticing rhymes, syllables, and letter sounds the easier it is for them to learn to read. Get your child ready by playing with sounds. Say rhymes, sing songs, and read stories that have fun with sound. Try one of these stories to help your child hear the way words are put together.

I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More by Karen Beaumont
Rhyming text, body parts and super fun doesn't get much better.

Jamberry by Bruce Degan
For extra fun, figure out what everyday items make up the elaborate pictures.

Silly Sally by Audrey Wood
That silly Sally! Make up your own rhymes when you're done.

Tanka Tanka Skunk by Steve Webb
Addictive reading. You'll want to try to read it faster and faster, just to see if you can. Clap along to practice syllables.

For more suggestions, just ask at the desk next time you're in!

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