Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Two new early literacy bird books

I just read two picture books that are great for building early literacy skills.  And what is interesting about these two new bird birds, they are both by first time authors!
 Nest by Jorey Hurley provides one word descriptions of the day to day activities of a robin, as she builds her nest and hatches her baby chicks.  Beautiful and clear pastel images provide meaning to the descriptive word being used, making it perfect for vocabulary development.

The other is Early Bird by Toni Yuly.  Here, Early Bird likes to wake up early every day so he can catch his worm.  Flaunting through the yard in search of breakfast, simple text describes his actions.  Then when he realizes he would much rather share his breakfast with the worm, the story takes a turn to a happy ending.  Large bold illustrations and font make for a perfect opportunity for little ones to practice narrative skills where they in turn can tell their grown-ups the process of the story from beginning to end.

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