Saturday, September 19, 2009

Early Literacy, Ch. 6: Vocabulary

Last but not least is the early literacy skill, Vocabulary. That kind of speaks for itself. Children who are developing this early literacy skill are increasing the number of words they know.

Here are some ways you can help increase your child's vocabulary:

  • Just read a book. Did you know that books have 3 times as many rare words in them than just regular conversation?
  • Don't simplify hard words when reading; instead, explain them.
  • Practice dialogic reading. What, you may ask, is dialogic reading? Basically, it is having a conversation about what you are reading. Include your child in the story. Ask open-ended questions about what they see in the pictures and what they hear in the words you are reading.
And that brings us to the end of my little lessons on Early Literacy. Until next time...

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