Attention Muggles! Don't miss an opportunity to learn some tricks from the world of wizards at our Magic for Muggles program, Thursday, June 30 from 4-6 p.m. in the Community Room. You can bring the whole family to enjoy trivia, search for the Deathly Hallows, visit Honeydukes, make a potion, hone your quidditch skills and more! We encourage you to come in costume, and we'll be dressed up too!
When the Harry Potter books appeared in the '90's and began to make J.K. Rowling richer than the Queen of England, a most extraordinary thing happened: not only did kids start reading voraciously, but the fever hit adults in many families as well. What fun to be reading the same books as your kids and to be just as obsessed! For me, sharing these books with future generations is a reason (one of many, of course) for having kids. Please share in the comments books you have loved to read as a family, books that you selflessly (and perhaps a bit reluctantly) hand over to your kiddos to read first, while asking with embarrassing frequency "Are you done yet?"