This year marks the 150th anniversary of Oregon’s statehood, a great opportunity for you to teach your kids a fabulous new word-- sesquicentennial (ses-qui-cen-ten-ni-al): a 150th anniversary or its celebration.
Here at the Tigard Public Library we are celebrating Oregon’s birthday with a community-wide reading project and a series of great events themed on the three books for adults, teens, and the whole family!
The party begins with our Saturday, January 31st Kickoff featuring the Minidoka Swing Band, Japanese desserts and an exhibit from the Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center. Library cardholders can pick up their complimentary copies of the adult book pick, Stubborn Twig by Lauren Kessler, a memoir of three generations in the life of a Japanese-American family in Oregon. The whole family is welcome to join in the festivities, and elementary-aged kids are invited to create Japanese crafts in the Puett room from 12:30-2:00. The Swing Band and sweets will be in the Community Room from 12:30-2:00.
Many exciting events will follow throughout the month of February. You can lend your voice to book discussions of Stubborn Twig on Tuesday, February 10 or Wednesday February 25, or join author Lauren Kessler as she discusses her work on Thursday, February 12. Family events include craft programs on every Saturday and Sunday, an Old Time Music Show celebrating Oregon’s February 14th birthday, and a presentation by Deborah Hopkinson, author of the wonderful picture book Apples to Oregon. Free copies of Apples to Oregon will be distributed at the author’s presentation, or can be earned by completing our Oregon Passport to Adventure activities, while supplies last. (Passports are available at the Children’s Reference Desk.)
This is just a sampling of some of the activities we have planned this month. Click here to learn more about what’s happening at the Tigard Library, and here to learn what’s happening county-wide.