Friday, September 4, 2015

Bad Words

While teaching children vocabulary is very important to their literacy development, there may be some words that you as a parent don't want your child to know.  Are you having a tough time teaching your little ones the importance of using proper words?  Ones that are useful and positive rather than those that are inappropriate and demeaning?  Well, I've got the perfect book for you!  Little Bird's Bad Word by Jacob Grant is a perfect example where a young bird learns a new word...which isn't exactly a very good one either.  He loves this new word so much that he shares it with everyone he meets.  But those who hear the word think it is hurtful and mean.  Little Bird doesn't realize that what he is saying and doing has any impact on those around him.  In the end, he learns a very valuable lesson, while adding a little bit of humor to the plot along the way.

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